Before You Arrive
Carry-On Bags
Carry-on items are limited to one bag and one personal item, such as a purse, briefcase or laptop. The bag can be no bigger than 9″ X 14″ X 22″ or a total of 45 linear inches. CLICK HERE for information about what is allowed in a carry-on bag.
Checked Bags
CLICK HERE for checked bag allowances.
Bag ID
Personal ID
All passengers who are 18 years of age and older must present a government issued photo ID. Make sure the name on your ticket matches the name on your photo ID. On May 3, 2023, Real ID standards will be implemented. Find out more on how to be compliant.
Check-In Time
When You Arrive
Federal security regulations forbid leaving your vehicle in the driveway in front of the terminal. Vehicles left unattended are subject to ticketing and towing. Parking in the lot in front of the terminal is free for the first 30 minutes. CLICK HERE for information on parking.
One reason people enjoy flying from Golden Triangle Regional Airport is that security lines are much shorter than those in large airports. However, the security is just as thorough. CLICK HERE for detailed information about TSA’s screening process.